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Showing posts from July 11, 2020

How To Make Your YouTube Video Popular

Anyone can be a YouTuber Ever thought how YouTubers make their videos popular ? or Are you a YouTuber trying to make your video popular ? If the answer is yes, then this is the blog for you! There are two main points that I will cover which are -  Content   Advertisement 1. The Content     There are two main things in the content - 1.1 The video itself      and  1.2 The thumbnail           1.1 The video           Your video or the content needs to be good and appealing to            the viewers so that they will want to watch it and not just                 skip your video and watch something else. Try and ask             your  viewers about what they want a video on or what they             want you to do. Also another good idea is to show a very             small  preview of the good parts of the video (especially             good for  gamers) to kind of create a suspense for your             viewers so they  would want to watch the whole thing.     2.2 The thumbnail           The th