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Showing posts from July 8, 2020

How YouTubers Shoot Their Videos

No one is perfect, not even YouTubers Ever wondered how YouTubers shoot their video's and how their video seem continuous and in one single shot ? Well then this is the blog for you. First of all, let's talk about the feeling that the whole video is in one shot. Even though the videos might seem totally continuous it is actually not. We YouTubers are also human and we make mistakes but you (the viewers) normally don't see them. That is because of the power of editing, whenever we say something wrong  we just simply cut out that part and try again and if we edit it properly sometimes you (the viewers) won't even notice that we cut the footage. Sometimes we have to record multiple times to get the perfect video. Now let's talk about how we actually shoot our videos. Shooting videos is really simple. We just use any camera and sometimes a microphone, but how are our videos so stable ? Well that is because we keep our camera's on stands or tripods and even if we hav