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How To Make Your YouTube Video Popular

Anyone can be a YouTuber

Ever thought how YouTubers make their videos popular ? or Are you a YouTuber trying to make your video popular ? If the answer is yes, then this is the blog for you!

There are two main points that I will cover which are -
  1.  Content
  2.  Advertisement
1. The Content
    There are two main things in the content - 1.1 The video itself 
    and 1.2 The thumbnail
    1.1 The video
          Your video or the content needs to be good and appealing to
           the viewers so that they will want to watch it and not just
                skip your video and watch something else. Try and ask 
           your viewers about what they want a video on or what they 
           want you to do. Also another good idea is to show a very 
           small preview of the good parts of the video (especially 
           good for gamers) to kind of create a suspense for your 
           viewers so they would want to watch the whole thing.

    2.2 The thumbnail
          The thumbnail is the little picture you see when you are
          seeing the videos you want to see next and they are the 
          most important part of the content. A good thumbnail 
          will make people want to see your video, so spending 
          a little bit of time to make a good thumbnail is really 
          worth it.

2. Advertisement
    Now my advertisement I don't mean ads that we see on TV or
    before watching a YouTube video, I mean telling people
    about your video and trying to put it on social media so that
    more people interested will be able to find your video.

This is all for this blog and hope it helps you.

Thank you for reading this blog, please subscribe and follow for more blogs like this. 

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