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How To Make A Custom Domain For Your Blogger Blog

Normally when you start making a blog on blogger your domain(link for your blog) is something like this -, this domain given by blogger is sometimes very long and does not look nice. So today in
this blog I am going to tell you how to get a custom domain 
like me.

1) First of all, you need to buy your domain from any website 
    like -Godaddy, etc. So once you have done that you need to 
    go to your Blogger dashboard then into settings and click on
    custom domain.

2) Now enter your domain into the pop-up box(enter with www)
    and click save, now this is when you should get an error like-

3) To fix this error you need to go to your domain's DNS settings
    (only for people hosting their domain with GoDaddy). Once you
    get to the DNS settings of your website you should see some
    thing like this -

    Now go back to Blogger and copy the first name and destination
    given in the error, now come back to GoDaddy and follow the
    process given in the above image but you have to paste the
    first name you copied in the host section and then you have
    to paste the first destination you copied into the points to
    section. Repeat the same for the second name and destination.

3) To fix this error you need to go to your domain's DNS settings
    (only for people hosting their domain with cPanel or 
    HostGator). Login to your cPanel dashboard, scroll down and 
    click on zone editor -
    Now click on manage next to your domain name-
    Now click add record -

    In the name, section enter the first name you copied from
    the error then in type select cname and set the TTL to 600.
    follow the same process for the second name and destination.
4) Go back to Blogger dashboard and click save again, if
     you did this correctly then there should be no error and
     your custom domain is ready!

This is all for this blog and I hope it helps you.

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